TJPW - Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling '23 (1/4/2023)

6. International Princess Championship: Miu Watanabe (c) vs. Trish Adora

Miu Watanabe's performance in this match was amazing and I immediately understood the value of strong foreigners in Tokyo Joshi. Miu enduring so much and even at one point not being able to perform her signature giant swing due to the accumulation of damage to her arm made for a compelling performance. Miu showed that she could take on the best of a strong opponent and then surpass them, which is the mark of a true champion. I don't think this match could have been done against most of the roster, most of whom lack the physicality to convincingly dominate Miu Watanabe; it was the stimulation of working with a giant foreigner that brought out a new side of Miu. ****

8. Princess of Princess Championship: Yuka Sakazaki (c) vs. Miyu Yamashita

This was the best match between Yuka Sakazaki and Miyu Yamashita that I can remember in recent years. Their chemistry has become more refined and their sequences together more precise. Yamashita was concussed after hitting the back of her head in a fall to the floor, but she was able to fight intensely until the end and even performed a head butt. The mid-to-late portion felt like it could have used a little more to take the match to the next level; it felt all too formulaic. They didn't break much new ground for the series, but it was an overall stable main event. ****