Stardom - 5STAR Grand Prix 2022 (8/28/2022)

2. Blue Stars: MIRAI vs. Hanan

Hanan has found her consistency in the later part of her tournament. The early standing grappling and headlock struggles showed the fruits of their judo training. It was an amazing match from a technical standpoint, but both also conveyed their personalities and emotions as well. MIRAI was radiating confidence, and Hanan showed a lot of passion and fighting spirit, bridging out of near-falls. ***1/2

4. Red Stars: Tam Nakano vs. Mai Sakurai

Tam's first singles encounter with Mai since she left Kouzen for DDM in the pursuit of strength. Their match from earlier in the year when they were stablemates had an unusual intensity, and this was one just as heavy. Tam put a rough beating on Mai; that diving stomp to the back from the apron was particularly brutal. It was an emotional slugfest, where Mai showed her growth and conviction to her former leader. ***1/2

8. Blue Stars: Saya Kamitani vs. Hazuki

Hazuki has felt invincible in this tournament with a big winning streak and an established finishing combination.  Kamitani seemed to be fighting with something to prove and Hazuki, with momentum on her side, was vying for white belt contendership. This was a great first encounter between these two. It was an intensely competitive match, with the two trading their signature bicycle kicks throughout. ***3/4

9. Blue Stars: Giulia vs. Natsupoi

The second DDM-Kouzen grudge match between former teammates on this event following Tam-Mai. A short but heated encounter. Giulia is back in full swing, she has been so sharp lately, and her offense in this match was merciless. Strong performance from Natsupoi as well, who has been given the chance to show her range in this angle. ***3/4