Sendai Girls (4/14/2024)

Chihiro Hashimoto & Yuu vs. Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Seigo Tachibana

This match was solid and even entertaining. However, I was baffled that a team of former W-1 guys was the best they could assemble to face the imposing Team 200kg. The male team's antics and lack of seriousness seemed at odds with what the match was supposed to be (Hashimoto & Yuu showing they could compete evenly with men). I'd much rather see Team 200kg challenge Suwama & Hideki Suzuki in a true head-on collision. ***1/2

Hardcore Match: DASH Chisako vs. Unagi Sayaka

The prospect of Unagi Sayaka in an old-school WWF-style hardcore blunder sounds intriguing, but the execution of this match was dull. It moved at a glacially slow pace, with too much time spent meticulously making sure everything was in place. The moments between the spots were super drawn-out. It lacked a sense of urgency and " fight, " coming across more like a self-indulgent stunt fest than a genuine competitive contest. I'm sure there will be many cool-looking photos, though...

Sendai Girls World Championship: Mika Iwata (c) vs. VENY

Mika Iwata's loss to Sareee in a non-title match, followed by the lack of a revenge opportunity, speaks to her position in the joshi pro-wrestling hierarchy. Even as champion, it has been hard to compete against Chihiro Hashimoto's all-encompassing presence in Sendai Girls. Iwata has a certain pathos which may make the crowd want to support her. VENY brought a strong and bewitching performance and was working hard to add intrigue to this matchup. ***1/2