Stardom - Cinderella Tournament 2024 (3/20/2024)

Tam Nakano vs. Giulia

This wasn't as grand as the title matches or the league finals; it was Tam Nakano x Giulia stripped down to its base core. That muddled rivalry, ugly and beautiful at once. A messy, emotional clash, the kind these two do best. One can only hope that the new Stardom will continue to deliver such grudge matches. ****1/4

Cinderella Tournament - Finals: Hanan vs. Ami Sohrei

Ami Sohrei upped the ante in this tournament, fighting with a newfound urgency that suggests she's feeling the pressure to step up. Hanan continues to impress, building her moveset around uppercuts and soaring backdrops. This packed a surprising amount of intensity and drama into just 10 minutes. Top-notch tournament finals! ****1/4

World of Stardom Championship: Maika (c) vs. Utami Hayashishita

Maika as the new ace and champion defending against the departing Utami Hayashishita. This is a role reversal I never saw coming. Their evolution as wrestlers and rivals was felt in the developed sequences and counters. Stately heavyweight pacing with a proper red belt atmosphere - the tension built really well. I wish the finishing sequence delivered a bit more, but overall, a compelling clash. ****