Entries from 2024-05-01 to 1 day

Natsumi Sumikawa vs. Chika Goto (AWG, 4/14/2024)


AWG - ACTwrestling Step 39 (4/14/2024) AWG Championship: Natsumi Sumikawa (c) vs. Chika Goto Marigold sneak preview? Chika Goto's impressive size, visuals, and natural wrestling sense have propelled her quickly to title contender status. H…

Mio Momono vs. Mayumi Ozaki (OZ Academy, 4/28/2024)

OZ Academy - Battle Big Bonus 2024 (4/28/2024) OZ Openweight Championship: Mio Momono (c) vs. Mayumi Ozaki The Marvelous match worked because Mayumi Ozaki was an invading heel against Mio Momono on her home turf. This rematch on Mayumi Oza…