Chi Chi vs. ZONES (Evolution, 3/27/2024)

Evolution - #12 ~ 1st ANNIVERSARY (3/27/2024)

Chi Chi vs. ZONES

This match took place just a few days before ZONES and Chi Chi's first debut anniversary. Given their experience, they wrestled a stable 20-minute main event, well-structured though slightly mechanical at times. ZONES is a strong wrestler who competes head-on, while Chi Chi's emotive style is sympathetic and thrives in muddier areas. They played to their types well, communicating effectively as opponents and rivals. As the group's only two wrestlers, I think their struggle to survive is what made the match so affecting. It feels like they were fighting with something to prove to each other, as well as the audience. Classmate Sunny, who had to retire early due to injury, serving as referee made the match even more moving. ****